Golden ICP: Your Superpower

Golden ICP Methodology

The Golden ICP is a methodology which has actually been around for decades and decades in sales. 

For example: 

Your O2 contract on mobile is about to run out hence a SDR phones you to sign you up to their plan.

A house has been put up for foreclosure under specific terms so a realtor phones you to sell you a specific plan or give you a quote.

There are hundreds of different examples of this working really well over the years. Here is the issue though, it’s not scalable (easily) and scaling people was the only way to double down on an approach which was highly calorific for businesses. Now with Clay and our army of enrichments/tools, we can scale this at 90% more efficiency and cost. In short, AI makes life easier for sales teams. In my humble opinion, you scale the number of AEs to deal with the demand of meetings rather than scaling SDRs to contact the prospect to hit the meeting number.

In outbound terms, tech and computers are much more reliable than people. They don’t have bad days, they don’t get sick and if they do really well they don’t move companies. So using these automated systems are much more worth your while. Controversial I know, but I won’t be convinced otherwise. 

In short, your Golden ICP is split into 3 markets:

  • Your TAM (Total Addressable Market)

Anyone that can buy your product/service

  • Your ICP (Ideal customer persona)

A geo/demo/psychographical profile of who typical buys your stuff.

  • Your Golden ICP

Your ICP + a collection of triggers which almost guarantees a prospect has a problem you can solve.

With clients we run multiple tests to find our Golden ICP, scale our outbound with this band of prospects then we fall back on the ICP and then the TAM. Each time we increase the effort + value of our offer. This is basic economics of an outbound campaign. 

Quick Tip:

Once you find your “golden list” of companies, save these on Hubspot, and enrich them quarterly. Monitor any changes and focus your sales team on keeping soft contact with this bunch and building relationships with them. Or even find more contacts at these companies and conduct more manual activities. Fundamentally, prioritise them in your outbound.

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