Outbound Machine Introduction

Welcome to the Outbound Machine

This course is designed for outbound teams, founders and sales teams who are looking to take the next step with Clay.

In this course will cover

  • Our Client Success Formula Explained
  • Clay's IntegrationsTrigger(s) Explained
  • Golden ICP: Methodology
  • Golden ICP: Hypotheses
  • Golden ICP: Building Triggers
  • Using API and Apify Actors
  • Maximising Emails Found
  • Our 8-step qualification process
  • Build Relevant Personalisation
  • Build Offers
  • Split testing triggers and offers
  • How to perform complex AI prompts
  • How to utilise formula correctly
  • How to manipulate formula
  • How to write outbound copy
  • Copy that sells for us
  • Deliverability best-practices

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